We will probably piss you off and fuck your girlfriend or boyfriend. We can't manage to stay sober or keep a guitarist. We write music in a dark dark hole underneath the city of Richmond. We hate being told what to do. We rock the fuck out to some Three Six Mafia in the hot tub. We don't care what style we are. We don't fit in a scene. We are working hard to get this album finished.
Morgueasm - (noun)
An orgasm that occurs when having sexual relations with a corpse and or a Realdoll(tm). "The initial pleasure of Karen's tightness was tempered by the feeling that I was humping a cadaver and was about to experience my first morgueasm." - Grant Stoddard from Nerve.com article: "I Did it for Science"
Describe your music to someone who has never heard it.
Darien: I like to consider Morgueasm "Death Pop". We draw elements from dark, electronic / industrial influences, but growing up on MTV we can't deny that there are some elements of Hollywood Glamour inside us.
Samantha Shameless: We have a completely different sound than anything out right now, and we like to experiment with combining different elements of goth, metal, and pop in a way that most people wouldn't think of doing.

What is your most crazy show story? (Any naked women running around? Drunk bar fights?)
Darien: When I was with my first band (Empty from Washington DC – many years ago) we played at Jaxx. We got about 30 pounds of raw meat from the butcher, and brought it on stage in a baby carriage. It wound up everywhere. I'm surprised Jaxx had us back after that. We had ordered a pig's head as well. We were going to put our singer's penis in the pig head's mouth against his will. He's lucky it didn't show up in time for the show.
Samantha Shameless: Performing a song about an ex bandmate who was front row at the show was pretty crazy.
How would you like to see the local music scene change? (venues, fans, other bands)How do you think we can solve the problems we are having with venues doing little to NO promoting of shows, not paying the bands much, lack of good sound systems, and other issues?
Darien: The music scene all over the country has grown stale. Everyone takes themselves so seriously, that they don't have a good time while they are performing, and the fans can feel that. As far as promoting and venues, personally I don't consider it the venue's responsibility to promote. I believe the band has to do their legwork, play the free shows, until they build up a following – THEN they can think about money. I look at it as a sacrifice that has to be made. Sound systems are serious though. If your club sounds like crap, you shouldn't be booking bands. ALSO I hate not getting a soundcheck. Every club has a different system, and it makes a big difference being able to test it out.
Samantha Shameless: I would like to see the scene change period – as well as the music scene – to not be so closed minded and pretentious.

What's up for the band in 2008? ( a tour, album?)
Darien: We are almost done writing the full album, and we will hope to have that recorded and mastered this year. We will be playing shows in the region, and then hitting up key cities when we are ready. DC, NY, Miami, Philly, etc. Taking our time and trying not to put on half ass shows.
Samantha Shameless: Definitely completing our first album, and being bigger than Jesus.
What local bands and artists do you recommend?
Darien: Local bands and artists… XUBERX from DC impressed me with their high energy show. Of course Bellamorte never fails to impress live. They always have a tight sound. I am sad that we will not get to see In Tenebris again. Myotis, Synthetic Nightmare, Hindu Pez, Angel 99 are all unique local artists working hard at their craft – there is definitely a renaissance coming around.
Samantha Shameless: Killing the Cure, Angel 99, Synthetic Nightmare, Bellamorte, Social Distortion ( I mean Synthetic Division lol ) we'd like to see more local bands. I wish we had more time to see shows but we are working hard on the album.

What are your favorite venues to play at? How would you like to see the available venues to change when booking shows?
Darien: I like venues with hidey hole backrooms. It really helps you get into character. I don't like wandering the crowd during a show. I like to have some of that mystery around us. Alley Katz has a nice layout… Rocks if the weather is nice… I feel like (in Richmond anyways, I can't really speak for the Norfolk / Va Beach area) it is kind of hard for mid size / small bands to get a decent date – a Friday or Saturday. There are several new clubs opening up for larger bands, which is cool because we are getting some of the harder bands back in town, but nothing is really changing with the local bars.
Samantha Shameless: I love the space that Alley Katz offers – also Rocks is nice because it has an outside stage which is great for Spring shows.

Who primarily writes the songs? Is there a certain process or does it come out during practice? Darien: Morgueasm operates half on process / step by step writing, and half on spontaneity. Usually it starts out with a beat and some synth tracks that I have tucked away on a dusty floppy disk, and Samantha Shameless hears something that she digs. Sett will lay down a bass line, I'll take a stab at guitars (though I'm no guitarist – p.s. Morgueasm is looking for a guitarist! lol) Then, along with our friends and management team, we will collaborate on lyrics, melodies, etc. We are very communal. If you come to a practice session, it is usually full of craziness, jaeger, and shenanigans!
Samantha Shameless: Darien has a lot of songs stored away in his little computer, and sometimes we'll get bored with the songs we're working on and say "hey lets work on a new song" and then I'll find something I like – then Darien and I do it.
How do you market your music to the public? What seems to work best for you for letting people know about your shows?
Darien: We are taking our time with marketing. We are still in the process of writing the album, and we don't want to sell ourselves too early. We rely somewhat on internet marketing, but also good ole' word of mouth. We are all characters, and we like to go out and have a good time and dance, and act a fool. That is a good time to hand out a cd, or let people know we have a show coming up.
Samantha Shameless: The best way I do it, is to hand out cds and flyers to people at clubs – and word of mouth.

Finish these statements with what ever comes to your mind:
"You know you've made it when..."
Darien: Your sipping on a margarita with Dr. Dre.
Samantha Shameless: You don't have to fucking work any more.
"It'll be time to pack up the gear for good when..."
Darien: Ha. Never.
Samantha Shameless: When Darien dies.
"I'll never forget the first time I..."
Darien: Got to ride around in a band's limo. (Monster Magnet / Manson down in New Orleans)
Samantha Shameless: Puked and peed outside of a club in VA Beach.
Let's have some fun with word association. Give me your immediate feelings on the following:
Hampton Roads, VA -
Darien: Traffic?
Samantha Shameless: Ryan Roboto aka Angel 99.
The National Museums –
Darien: I love ancient things.
Samantha Shameless – What the fuck is that?
Richmond –
Darien: Good place to hide from the rest of the world.
Samantha Shameless – Keep talking about me bitches. You're only making me famous.
Independent Music Stores / Businesses / Restaurants –
Darien: Having a tough time. I co-own Curio ( http://www.curiorichmond.com ) so I can relate.
Samantha Shameless – Curio – Duh!
Best Venue –
Darien: I think Rock and Roll Hotel in DC is a cute little place
Samantha Shameless: Alley Katz is a good place to see shows.
Worst Venue –
Darien: I don't want to get us in trouble lol.
Samantha Shameless: I plead the fifth.
Best Kept Secret –
Darien: Tan A Supermarket
Samantha Shameless: Sakura Sunday Brunch.
The RVA Goth Scene –
Darien: Trying to stay alive
Samantha Shameless: Waiting for something new.
Favorite Dive Bar -
Darien: I don't go to Dive Bars.
Samantha Shameless: Wherever I can get a cheap drink.

What's the most played song on your iPod (or an equivalent music playing device) in the past week?
Darien: I don't have time to listen to music outside of the studio. Um… Last song I remember listening to was Fetisha by Orgy.
Samantha Shameless: What's an iPod? But if I did have one, I'd be rocking out to some Rob Zombie.
Who would be in your ultimate music supergroup, your all-star Olympic team of rock?
Darien: Ryan Shuck, Twiggy Ramirez, Myself, Dr. Dre, and Samantha Shameless. Hell yeah.
Samantha Shameless: Darien, because we work so well together, Shikhee from Android Lust, Three Six Mafia, and Christina Aguilera.

What came first, the music or the misery? Explain.
Darien: Definitely the misery. A true artist has to feel suffering before they can really tap into the subconscious powers around them.
Samantha Shameless: The misery. Without misery there would be no art.
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