Featured Artist:
Someone Else's Music
Someone Else's Music
Someone Else's Music is the ever-evolving solo project of B.S.C. It isn't really the name of a band, more a statement. This really is just someone else's music.
As a project, Someone Else's Music officially started in 2003 as a small experiment (under the name Stil) with no particular purpose. After a 4 year distraction, this experiment quickly evolved into what it is today.
The music with its sometimes wildly unpredictable song structures, fast passed rhythmic noise, and ambient textures is heavily influenced by an eclectic mixture of IDM, techno, hip hop, folk, industrial and drum and bass.
Who is Someone Else's Music?
Someone Else's Music is just that, the music that I create. I didn't want to call myself some made up name or use my real name. I toyed around with my initials but in the end… in the flood of songs online and on the radio, it really is just someone else's stuff.
The project is evolving and someday I think it will have a home and I think there is a sound there… I mean I can tell my songs are all by me, but the style changes. One may be techno, another may be solo piano. I make music that I like. I can listen to my CDs and say I like them. I also like making a collection of songs that make sense together. I really can't stand when you put on a CD and there are 10 or 11 tracks that just don't fit together.
Did you grow up in Hampton Roads? If so, what cities? What high schools?
Nope, I'm an import. I came here about 12 years ago from Rhode Island.
Describe your music to someone who has never heard it.
I would say my music sounds like the soundtrack to a very weird driving game.
What is your most crazy show story?
Well I haven't played any solo shows yet so I don't have any from there… I will say I used to have fun getting dress for shows when I was younger… miniskirts, lab coats, and a few other weird getups.
How would you like to see the local music scene change? (venues, fans, other bands)
I would love to see more electronica type shows. They work if the show is promoted to the right crowd and a good venue. Just more diversity in general…Where are the live rap shows, there is the techno IDM type music played? It just seems we live in an area that is locked into a bar band sense and everyone else just tries to slide in here and there.
I'd also like to see more shows where the bands actually sounded like they belong playing with each other.
How do you think we can solve the problems we are having with venues doing little to NO promoting of shows, not paying the bands much, lack of good sound systems, and other issues?
Look, these small venues have a hard enough time promoting their existence. I'm not saying they shouldn't promote there own shows… but ultimately it is the bands job to get the word out who they are and where they are playing. If a venue sees that a band has a following you will see them promote the show… Look at the Norva, Regina Spektor came and you didn't here anything on the radio… but when the Wu Tang Clan came it was advertised on 104.5. The same logic holds true for us smaller acts, dig in and make some of your own noise. No one is interested in you success more than you should be.
As far as pay… if you have a band that gets a consistent crowd and they drink… guess what. You'll be asked back and hopefully will be more likely to get paid.
Basically promote and practice so that you sound good and the crowd is actually at the venue to see you play… not just enjoy (or filter out) the background music while they drink at the local bar. None of this just happens.
What's up for the band in 2008? ( a tour, album?)
New CD… should be done soon. I am very excited about this because I like every song on it a lot. This has been a very stressful time in my personal life and making this CD has been a great outlet for my anger, stress, and depression. Yeah there are glimmers of hope and joy in it but you really have to listen hard to hear them.
Another thing I would like to do this year is figure out some kind of stage show. I really don't want to just stand on a stage with my laptop switching between prerecorded songs but first the CD must be finished… look out for me though.
Really check my site other in the coming weeks for details!!!
What local bands and artists do you recommend?
I am going to fly way outside my genre and say check out Grey Matter. They are a great local cover band and the guys are cool.
What are your favorite venues to play at? How would you like to see the available venues to change when booking shows?
(better sound / lights/ pay/ promotions)
Well my favorite place to see a show is at the Norva. Like I said earlier I haven't played out much so I have no experience playing there but know bands that have. I can understand how bands could get frustrated playing there, as well as why the Norva does what it does when it comes to local shows.
The one thing I would say all the other venues can do to improve the draw and response to live music is to put some serious time and energy into their sound systems. We all know that a great sound system can't make a bad band sound good, but a bad sound system can make a good band sound really bad. If a place gets a reputation of having a killer sound system, bands will want to play there… the people who go to shows will catch on that the music sounds good there… wow this works out for everyone!
Who primarily writes the songs? Is there a certain process or does it come out during practice?
I write and record everything myself. Usually I sit down at my computer when I am mad and start messing around making drum beats that almost never get used in the final song. I truly cannot start writing music if I am in a good mood. If I try all it ends up sounding like is Tom Petty guess starting on an episode of the Teletubies.
How do you market your music to the public? What seems to work best for you for letting people know about your shows?
MySpace has been the biggest help so far. I have a very hard time going up to people and introducing myself and through MySpace I have been fairly successful in finding the local crowd that likes my music. Word of mouth is great but been slow. I do have a few fans though so it's starting to take hold.
What is your current favorite song?
Of mine??? Blood Red Sky… you will get to hear it soon. As far as a favorite song of all time that could be hard. Maybe The Becoming by NIN, Ostia (The Death Of Pasolini) by Coil… There could be hundreds on this list.
How much do you think hype affects the public perception of what good music is?
Why wouldn't it. Most people don't care about the details involved with music. They have a favorite pop artist and know the hooks to all there favorite songs. Basically they care about a general style but if you really ask them they don't know about the more obscure bands and groups. The masses aren't looking for complexity or to much meaning. That is why when one of these pop musicians write a great song it stays a great song… if not it plays on the radio and in the clubs until people get bored with it.
Pop music is pop music for a reason. This isn't to say everyone is a mindless robot. A lot of people have favorite CDs that mean something to them… but chances are they to will be great albums put out by otherwise normal popular artists.
Last CD bought, downloaded or stole?
I buy music. I used to download it but I really hate bad versions of good songs. Plus I do place value on a musicians work. A painter paints a picture to sell it, not charge admission to the museum that hangs it… They are getting screwed by everyone, least of all the people download the music. I don't have the answer, just my opinion??? But we still all wonder why it cost $30+ to see our favorite band perform a 45 minute set.
The last CD I bought I think was Combichrist Everybody Hates You.
How do you think the local scene is doing? How would you change it?
I think the local scene is very one dimensional. There are a few bar bands and metal acts, and a lot or other types of acts looking for places to play.
Last Book you read?
I really hate to read… does the reference manual to Reason 4 count?
What's your favorite local restaurant to eat at?
I grew up in Rhode Island around very good home cooked Italian food. I am luck to have found at least one good place here, La Bella down on Laskin Road. There are a few good Sushi places around as well.
Quote us your favorite song lyrics. (please include who it is by)
"and all your touch and all you see
is all your life will ever be" -Pink Floyd
What's your worst habit?
When I find out someone will argue the validity of blatantly false religious beliefs I can't help but engage in the conversation. I am not trying to discredit religion or say the belief in God s wrong… just that the belief in anything with a complete disregard to the facts that disprove it is ignorant.
What irritates you?
People who do not except responsibility for there own actions.
What has been your greatest success?
Finding someone to share my life with. That is all.
What has been your greatest setback?
My inability to start conversations with people I don't know.
Who would be in your ultimate music supergroup, your all-star Olympic team of rock?
I could ramble of great musicians here but you would just end up with a cover version of Van Halen (everybody solo!!!!) so here is my super group that I would love to hear. This would be a great band…
Vocals: Tom Petty
Rhythm Guitar: Paul Simon
Lead Guitar: Santana / Eric Clapton
Bass: Justin Chancellor
Drums: Dave Grohl
What came first, the music or the misery? Explain.
Definitely the misery… I didn't start playing guitar until the tenth grade… how many happy teenagers do you know.
What do you think of what MC7C does? How would you make it better? Have you been to any of our events?
I think this site is great. I would love to get more events sponsored by local business as well. The best thing I think MC7C could do in the near future is start a non-myspace website, something that is available to more people. There is so much potential here in Hampton Roads for a great art and music scene and MC7C definitely is steering the masses in the right direction.
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