It is our 2 Year Anniversary!
So to jazz things up, we decided to interview each other so our readers could learn a little more about MC7C's K@t & Gabe. We've grown a lot in the past couple years and interviewed a lot of artists. We appreciate all the words of advice, encouragement, praise, artists, bands, and fans. We are doing this for you and hope that this year will bring MORE change to the local art scene.

k@t interviewing Gabe:So to jazz things up, we decided to interview each other so our readers could learn a little more about MC7C's K@t & Gabe. We've grown a lot in the past couple years and interviewed a lot of artists. We appreciate all the words of advice, encouragement, praise, artists, bands, and fans. We are doing this for you and hope that this year will bring MORE change to the local art scene.
State your full name: Gabriel Edward Perry.
Gabe performing as Hindu Pez @ Steppin Out VB
What was your first thought we meeting me?
My first, honest thought? 'This girl is trouble'. ha ha ha.
Why do you think we started MC7C?
We started it because the promoters in the area at that time were not doing their jobs. I was fed up with playing shows and having 5 people there. I was sick of going to shows and not seeing any cross-over crowd (ie punk kids at the metal show, spooky kids at the folk show, etc) and I felt that, with my knowledge of the music scene and your passion, we could make a really big effort to fix it.
Gabe and k@t at the Blue Plate / Hindu Pez Show
Do you think we've accomplished what we've set out to do with no budget, starting from nothing, and having just our wits?
I think we've done what we've set out to do. The lack of a budget puts a limit on doing certain things, but the end result of our effort is the same. We're here to promote bands and artists, and with the internet, there's not a need for blowing a bunch of cash to do that. Taking 5 minutes out of your day to message 50, 60 70 people about a show coming up doesn't require cash. Sure, some promoters have shirts and stickers and things, but does that promote the bands and artists, or themselves? So yes, having started from nothing but an idea and still having no budget, I think we've done really, really well.
Photo by Last Deviant (featured MC7C artist!)
What did you think about Joan of Art? Success? Anything you would have done differently?
I think Joan of Art was flawless. The girls did an incredible job of promoting themselves. Fuzion did their thing and really came through with the display boards, the food, the whole spread. Everyone was very professional in that sense...making sure things happened and went well. The crowd was an embodiment of what I hope to achieve with any was a mixed crowd of different subcultures, all gathered for one thing : art.
Photo by Twist
What is the most beneficial thing you've gotten out of working on MC7C?
Appreciation for other forms of art and music. The older I get, the more closed-minded I want to become, and being in contact with different bands really helps me stay away from that. I've also gotten a great appreciation for a lot of forms of art (vector art comes to mind) that I either wasn't very familiar with, or didn't care for previously.
Gothic Prom at the Wave (Gabe/k@t M1 from Heretics in the Lab)
Photo: Nudigi
What is the least beneficial thing you've gotten from working on MC7C?
Headaches from people's apathy. With all the work that we've done, as well as other promotions groups, there's still this underlying apathy amongst bands who really aren't interested in either helping themselves or each other. I can't understand how someone could say "no, really, it's cool. I don't want help promoting my band for free". That boggles my mind in a way I can't grasp.
Ultimately it's their choice. I just don't get it.
Photo by k@t
If you have a ton of money right now, what would you do?
Local Hot Spot - Phil's Grill!
Best Italian Food - La Bella italia
Best Sushi - Volcano. no discussion.
Venue - I like playing steppin' out. Great sound, nice owners. Great promotion.
Local Band - The Minus Men!
Local Artist - Malice Art!
TV Show - I'm doing less TV and more reading, these days.
Song at the Moment - Alec Empire - ward like it's a pose
Pair of Shoes - I've got a custom pair of Chuck Taylors that k@t got me for Christmas with my name on 'em. Fuckin' pimp.
Finish these statements:
When I am at my most happiest....I don't know how to handle it, sometimes. It's hard for me to process extreme emotions.
When I was little I wanted to grow up and become a...rock-n-roll star. Just like the song 'lunchbox'. Yeah, I said it.
Gabe performing in Heretics in the Lab Budda's Newport News
The local music scene is.....full of potential. Let's make it happen.
photo by k@t
The animal to best capture my personality is.....a raven. Yes, a gothic stereotype, but hear me out. Ravens are curious, playful birds who will do things like roll in the snow because they enjoy it. They're also mischevious and get into things like people's houses and cars. How many animals are that clever?
People refer to you as Gothic, do you think you're categorized as Gothic or don't like labels? What categorizes someone as Gothic? Is it the clothing, music, outlook at life, or something deeper?
You can call me what you want. Gothic, gay, asshole, insane. I'm indifferent to it. A label is a label is a label. I am what I am, I do what I do, I look how I look. I won't give any reason to it. This is what I like to wear and do. Everything else is some horse-shit attempt to justify one's reason for looking "odd".
The goth scene...just like any other scene, has its basis in music. If Bauhaus didn't come along with bands like Alien Sex Fiend, look weird and play raw, dirty music, there would be no goth scene. period.
Photo: Last Deviant
How would you like to see the art scene change or evolve?
I'd like to see more collaborative pieces between artists. Two guys doing a painting, for example. We've got a chunk of artists who make things like dolls and plush creatures and would be cool to see these people collaborate, too. Putting two creative minds together is interesting, and I think the end results are usually very inspiring.
How would you like to see the music scene change or evolve?
I'd like to see venue owners doing their job and promoting their own venue. I think that would help, tremendously. I'd like to see more mixed bills. Why should it be A Metal Show, or A Punk Show, or An Indie Show? Why can't we have a really random, retarted bill of 4 different genres?
What do you want our readers to know about us (MC7C) and to share with them about what we do?
We do our best to tell you guys about upcoming shows, neat art events, and anything else that appears on the art and music radar. Sometimes we miss a show or something, but understand that we're two people with day jobs, and it's not easy to play the balancing game. We love what we do, and we hope that you appreciate what we do on some level. We put a lot of effort into contacting bands about doing interviews for features, we put a lot of thought into putting the features online. We hope you take the time to read each one, and that you get something beneficial out of each one.
Photo: Nudigi
Photo: Daniella
Gabe Interviews k@t:
State your full name:k@t Marsh
What was your first thought we meeting me?
(July 2006) I thought you were some strange musician guy who was way too animated. You were playing with Heretics in the Lab at the Peppermint Beach House wearing electrical tape, headrag, and were super skinny. I remember having a buzz from my vanilla vodka and coke and talking some utter b.s. to you about the local scene. I was hanging out with Deviljoy and Toad mentioned that you were also the noise musician, Hindu Pez. You had befriended me via myspace months before that and I remembered having a few comments shared. So I sent you a message later on that weekend and we started comparing friends and view points.
Photo: DJ Figurehead at The Wave Doom Gloom
Why do you think we started MC7C?
We started it because we were sick of people in the scene complaining and not doing anything about it. There wasn't a local publication covering multiple calendar events, interviewing local artists, and connecting the locals with the artists. We figured we could make it a little better, which was better than nothing.
Do you think we've accomplished what we've set out to do with no budget, starting from nothing, and having just our witts?
I think we've done an outstanding job. We kinda evolved the project into something on a different level. At first I thought we'd just interview some artists, plug some shows, and get the people out to shows...who knew it would be what it is today! We actually created and organized one of the largest non-profit art shows the local area has seen without the backing of high dollar people. The night of Joan of Art last September was very special to me. Through all the stress, organizing, emails, begging, pleading, and loss of sleep, seeing hundreds of people from every age group / genre / background in one place, was overwhelming. I've also made a lot of friends along the way. It's nice going to events and shows and see the progress we've made. Everyone has had a hand in it. Everytime they attend a show, let us know who to feature next, repost a bulletin, or post a MC7C banner on their changes the scene.
Photo: Matt McClure at Illusive Media's Art Show Feb 2007
What did you think about Joan of Art? Success? Anything you would have done differently?
I think it was a success because we needed it to be for the 757 area. The intentions were pure. The artists were stellar. The sponsors were gracious and kind. The attendees were every color, shape, and degree. People were excited to see art. They were sick of nothing going on around town. They were just as excited as the artists and us. It was vital. Plus, having it be an all girl art show with a female DJ (Spookster) made it extra special. Why not show the area what kind of hot and talented women we have right under their noses. I think I would have stressed less and had more fun during the actual show. I don't think I would have done it any differently. Everyone was great and super supportive.
Now to plan our next event.....I want to start looking for a venue to host it.
Photo by Twist
What is the most beneficial thing you've gotten out of working on MC7C?
The sense that regardless of what everyone else is doing, that we've made a difference. We're not hype. We're not here to kiss butt. We're doing what we are doing to help artists and bands connect with fans. It is refreshing to go to a show or event and see a lot of people on our friend's list out there showing their support. Or get an email from a local thanking us for showcasing a band / artist, that it touched them. We do it because no one else is doing it like we are.
What is the least beneficial thing you've gotten from working on MC7C?
We usually don't get many thanks for the hard work we put in. The many hours we dedicate to the project go un-noticed. There are some that are quick to point out our flaws or an error but few to praise us for what we've done. Which I must admit is a downer sometimes. After working our day jobs, the last thing we want to do is log online and read about how a link isn't working. If I was getting paid $10 an hour to work on html coding, I think the project would be perfect, but we are doing this in our spare time. We put our personal time on hold to work on MC7C's calendar, links, features, emails, reviews, events, and website. A thank you from the featured artist or readers is always an added bonus.
Sad Face vs Metal Face @ Tonic's Deviljoy Show
If you have a ton of money right now, what would you do?
I would employ a lot of the struggling artists to work for MC7C so they wouldn't go hungry anymore. I would buy a venue, hire some SANE people to run it, and have shows / events there. It would be clean, safe, and a haven for local artists. I would even have classes available for local kids / artists to learn new techniques and skills. And Gabe and I would have a HUGE wedding, buy a cute place, and adopt a puppy.
Photo: Last Deviant
Local Hot Spot- The New Belmont
Best Italian Food- La Bella Italia
Best Sushi- Volcano
Venue- The Boot / Norva / Steppin Out
Local Band- (As of just today) Someone Else's Music
Local Artist- (As of just today) Last Deviant
TV Show- Pushing Daisies!!!!
Song at the Moment- IAMX-S.H.E.
Pair of Shoes- Patent High Platform Heels
Finish these statements:
When I am at my most happiest....
I have on lots of glitter, showing lots of cleavage, wearing HUGE platform shoes, wearing something vintage, petting a puppy, have Gabe next to me, and have the smell of vanilla cupcakes in the air.
k@t and Devon (MC7C featured artist / friend)
When I was little I wanted to grow up and become a....
My mom said I claimed I wanted to be a Podiatrist, which the teacher in school said that was the technical term for Zoologist.(Stupid Teacher!!!!- I'll never live that down....) But I wanted to help animals. I realized that meant helping sick animals which made me I changed it to hairdresser. I got my Cosmetology license in 2000!
The local music scene is.....
A work in progress.
Jen, Brook, k@t (MC7C Featured Artists and Ladies of Joan of Art)
The animal to best capture my personality is.....
ummm....a snow leopard jaguar.
Do you think you're categorized as a certain genre or don't like labels? What categorizes someone as a certain label? s it the clothing, music, outlook at life, or something deeper?
I am not sure what people see me as. Some think I'm Gothic, some Punk, and one guy thought I was a drag queen (which made my whole night!!!). Put in the words of Bruce McCraw," You're just k@t"! I think categories are for people that don't know how to understand certain looks that people have. In general, we all fall victim to labeling each other because that is how we are raised. Just because you have a mohawk or listen to a band doesn't mean your personality is neatly outlined into a "punkrocker" category. Haven't we evolved beyond labels? It's kinda like our scene, haven't we evolved into wanting better?
How would you like to see the art scene change or evolve?
I would love to see people helping each other more. It should be less about hype and popularity and MORE about what we can do (as a whole) to help one another to get shows, book shows, sponsor events, share art, and have a good scene. The first step is communication. The second is stop whining and start doing what you can do to help one another.
What do you want our readers to know about us (MC7C) and to share with them about what we do?
I'd like them to know that one of the reasons I started doing MC7C was to instill hope within myself to keep going. When MC7C was established in August 2006, I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on top of my Fibromyalgia diagnosis. I was very ill and was unable to get out of the house much. Working on MC7C was something I could do from home and something that kept my spirits up on my worst feeling days. Gradually, as the project started gaining momentum, I started feeling better. I think that giving back to others, despite your disabilities or obstacles, brings you into a higher state of mind and place in life. It,not only, gives you a purpose to keep going but also the continuance of hope within others.
I also met Gabe through the project. After working with him for some time, we became good friends and figured out we were attracted to one another. We got engaged in November 2007 and hope to nail down a wedding date in the near future. I've also been blessed to meeting many wonderful friends and fans through MC7C. Without them, there would not be MC7C, they are what makes the local art scene a community. Thanks to all of you for your support! We appreciate it greatly.
Hosting the Renewal Art Show in March 2008 -Sidney Martin /k@t / Gabe
Photo: DJ Figurehead
K@t and Bruce in C-ville Hindu Pez Show at the Outback Lounge
Last Deviant and k@t Oct 2007
Photo: Projekt Photo
k@t and Gabe at Heretics in the Lab Show
k@t and -Gabe-
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